Delivering real benefits from change programs is a struggle.
The need to create ownership and alignment in leadership teams is often overlooked in the beginning stages of change.
Leaders are seen as ‘stakeholders to be managed’ or ’SMEs to be consulted’. Both scenarios place leaders in a passive role, making it difficult for them to shift into gear when the time comes to drive real change.
Our approach engages and develops leadership teams from the outset, giving them ownership and capability to deliver real change.
Change management is required, but it’s not enough on its own. The real key to success is Change Leadership. Change managers use processes to manage and contain the negative noise created by change. Change Leaders create momentum behind the change and resilience in their teams to drive towards success.
Change management
Often led by external businesses or functions with leaders as stakeholders
Centralised and consistent
Process driven (Established change management frameworks and activities)
Is focused on ‘what is happening, when’ and ‘what’s in it for me’
…minimises disruption
Change leadership
Recognises and harnesses the role of all leaders across the organisation
Decentralised and agile
Team / individual driven (Leaders continually develop as challenges arise within their teams)
Is focused on ‘why we must change’, and ‘our vision of the future’
…inspired action